Thursday, May 27, 2021

[{"errorCode":"NOT_FOUND","message":"Invalid Lookup SObject:"}] Error in Einstein Bot Object Search


Usually we might get this type of errors in many situations, for myself  I caught with this type of error when we are working on Einstein Bot. In my case I want to query an object records using the "Object Search" functionality available under the Action setup.

Root Cause:

The Einstein bot doesn't have either read/view all permission on selected object or the fields mentioned in search criteria/result criteria.

Work Around:

1.Goto the Einstein bot permission set called sfdc.chatbot.service.permset 
2.Open the Object Settings and Select the Object you needed
3.Enable Read/ViewAll under Object Permissions
4.Enable the Read Access for fields under the Field permissions and Save

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How to Add/Upload Bulk Utterances to an Intent Present Inside an Einstein Intent Set

According to salesforce documentation we can add the Utterances to an Intent which is presented in Einstein Intent Set as listed below
  • Salesforce UI
  • Data Loader (version above 47 only)
Salesforce UI: 

Useful when you very less number of utterances/intents inside the set
  1. Go to the an Intent set 
  2. Open an Intent for which you want to add utterances
  3. Add the each sentence you want to add under the Utterances section
Data Loader (version above 47 only):

Useful when you have very large set of utterances or you have bunch of Intents under the Intent set and want to add the utterances for each intent.

All the utterances related to each Intent present inside the Intent set will be stored in an object called Intent Utterance (MLIntentUtterance).So, if you want to add the utterances to an intent present in intent set you can simply insert the data in Intent Utterance (MLIntentUtterance) object.

The object basically contains the below columns which are mandatory to insert the data.
  • MLDOMAINNAME - The intent set api name
  • MLINTENTNAME - The intent api name
  • UTTERANCE - Utterance text/sentence
Sample CSV format:

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

How to Find The List of Users Assigned Under Particular Permission Set License

Sometimes it might required you find the list of the users who assigned under the particular permission set license. Please use the below steps to find out the users.

1.Write query on PermissionSetLicense  to get the corresponding id of permission set license name. In my case I want to know the id of the Tableau CRM Plus license.

SELECT Id, DeveloperName, MasterLabel, TotalLicenses, Status FROM PermissionSetLicense

2.Now query on the PermissionSetLicenseAssign object using the id got from the first query.The sample query is below.
SELECT Id,AssigneeId ,Assignee.Name,PermissionSetLicenseId, CreatedDate, 
CreatedById, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById, SystemModstamp 
FROM PermissionSetLicenseAssign where PermissionSetLicenseId='0PL100000008sUwGAI'

The sample looks like below 

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Messaging Objects Schema in Salesforce

 What is Messaging ?

Messaging is providing the convenient way to the customer chatting from their mobile devices using most popular social media apps or text apps with salesforce executives/agents/bots.

Messaging currently works on below listed apps

  • Facebook messenger
  • SMS
  • Whatsapp 

Object Details:

The entire messaging feature of salesforce works on the list of objects mentioned below.
  • MessagingChannel
  • MessagingChannelSkill
  • ConversationEntry
  • MessagingSession
  • MessagingEndUser
  • MessagingTemplate
  • MessagingDeliveryError

Object Schema:

The schema of these objects as shown below

If you want to know the usage of each object and corresponding fields you can refer to the Salesforce documentation page

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Monday, May 10, 2021

How to see the list of Whatsapp Numbers(Customers) who interacted with Einstein Bot


Let's assume that you configured a Einstein bot to handle the some of the end user queries before connecting to the agent. Obviously this bot need to be assigned either with Live agent chat or Messaging channel (Whatsapp/Facebook messenger/text) to answer the queries.

In our case consider that we have assigned this Bot with Messaging channel called Whatsapp and sometimes the bot will answers all the customer queries and ends the chat automatically and in some cases the bot will transfers the chat to agents.

The overall setup is done and it's working as expected.  After the couple of days if you want to know the details of the customers (whatsapp) who interacted with Bot and the conversations has been automatically closed by the Bot.


According to the salesforce documentation every time the customer comes to messaging channel an entry will created( if not exist already) in object called Messaging User with details as shown in below image.

In case if you want to see the whole conversation what is happened between the Bot and Customer that can also fetched from the one more object called the Messaging Session. The Messaging Session will be the child object of the Messaging User. Every time the customer chat with bot a new Messaging Session will be in case if the previous conversation got marked as end.

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Bot: Bot needs at least one Bot version.

You will receive this error while your deploying the Einstein bots from one org to another org. 

When you encounter this type of issue please cross check whether did you added the what version of the bot has to be deployed is added in the change set or not.

If not added just click on the view dependencies section of the change set and check for the bot version type and select the corresponding version.


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