In my previous post I have explained to how to display the drop down values with check boxes so we will use the same post but In this post I will explain how to display that list vertically rather than horizontally.
In <apex:SelectCheckBoxes> tag we have an attribute called 'layout' which will decides the direction of the display .If you set that to layout="pageDirection" then it will displays automatically in vertical.
Source Code:
Thanks for visiting..hope this helps you!
In <apex:SelectCheckBoxes> tag we have an attribute called 'layout' which will decides the direction of the display .If you set that to layout="pageDirection" then it will displays automatically in vertical.
Source Code:
In VisualForce Page:
<apex:selectcheckBoxes value="{!selFruits}" layout="pageDirection"> <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Mango" itemValue="Mango" /> <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Apple" itemValue="Apple" /> <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Banana" itemValue="Banana" /> <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Guava" itemValue="Guava"/>
<apex:selectOption itemLabel="Orange" itemValue="Orange"/> </apex:selectcheckBoxes>
In Apex Class:
Public List<String> selFruits{get;set;} // This should be list not Single String
Thanks for visiting..hope this helps you!