Key Prefix | Object Type |
000 | Empty Key |
001 | Account |
002 | Note |
003 | Contact |
005 | User |
006 | Opportunity |
007 | Activity |
008 | OpportunityHistory |
00B | ListView / View |
00D | Organization |
00E | UserRole |
00G | Group |
00I | Partner Also OpportunityPartner, which "is automatically created when a Partner object is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity" |
00J | OpportunityCompetitor |
00K | OpportunityContactRole |
00N | CustomFieldDefinition - Setup > Create > Objects > [Your Object] > [Your Field] |
CF00N | Custom Field Id using in the query string. Note the keyprefix isn't actually CF0. In this case "CF" has been appended to the "00N" of the Custom Field Definition. |
00O | Report |
00P | Attachment |
00Q | Lead |
00S | ImportQueue |
00T | Task |
00U | Event |
00X | EmailTemplate |
00Y | EmailTemp |
00a | CaseComment or IdeaComment Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
00a | IdeaComment or CaseComment Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
00b | WebLink - Custom Button or Link |
00c | Training |
00e | Profile |
00h | Layout - Page Layout |
00i | Pricebook |
00j | Product |
00k | OpportunityLineItem |
00l | Folder |
00o | OpportunityLineItemSchedule Represents information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem. Products, Price Books, and Schedules Overview |
00p | UserTeamMember |
00q | OpportunityTeamMember - "This object is available only in organizations that have enabled team selling." |
00r | AccountShare |
00s | AccountOwnerSharingRule |
00t | OpportunityShare |
00u | OpportunityOwnerSharingRule |
00v | CampaignMember |
010 | CaseSolution |
011 | GroupMember |
012 | RecordType |
013 | RecordTypePicklist |
014 | ProfileRecordType |
015 | Document |
016 | BrandTemplate (Letterhead) |
018 | EmailStatus |
019 | BusinessProcess |
01A | BusinessProcessPicklist |
01B | LayoutSection |
01C | LayoutItem |
01D | UserAccountTeamMember |
01G | ProfileLayout |
01H | MailmergeTemplate |
01I | Custom Object |
01J | PicklistMaster |
01N | Scontrol |
01P | ProfileTabConfiguration |
01Q | WorkflowRule - AssignmentRule |
01R | RuleFilter |
01S | RuleFilterItem |
01T | RuleFilterAction |
01U | ActionAssignEscalate |
01V | ActionTask |
01W | ActionEmail |
01X | ActionEmailRecipient |
01Y | CampaignMemberStatus |
01Z | Dashboard |
01a | DashboardComponent |
01b | ListViewCriterion |
01c | ListViewDisplayColumn |
01e | PicklistSet |
01h | Translation |
01j | LocalizedValue |
01k | FieldPermissions |
01l | ActionResponse |
01m | BusinessHours |
01n | CaseShare |
01o | LeadShare |
01p | ApexClass |
01q | ApexTrigger |
01r | CustomTabDefinition - Visualforce Tab |
01s | Pricebook2 |
01t | Product2 |
01u | PricebookEntry |
01v | PricebookShare |
01w | OpportunityUpdateReminder |
01y | CaseOwnerSharingRule |
01z | CaseEscalation |
020 | EventAttendee |
022 | FiscalYearSettings |
023 | Calendar |
024 | CalendarShare |
025 | ListLayoutItem |
026 | Period |
02A | LeadOwnerSharingRule |
02B | LabelDefinition |
02C | LabelData |
02D | CaseHistory2 |
02F | CustomFieldMap |
02T | CustomPage |
02U | CustomPageItem |
02V | PageComponent |
02X | CustomPageProfile |
02Y | UserComponentData |
02Z | AccountContactRole |
02a | ContractContactRole |
02b | ComponentResourceLink |
02c | Sharing Rule |
02f | DelegateGroup |
02g | DelegateGroupMember |
02h | DelegateGroupGrant |
02i | Asset |
02k | ListLayout |
02m | CustomIndex |
02n | CategoryNode |
02o | CategoryData |
02p | DivTransferEvent |
02q | LayoutItemColumn |
02r | OpportunityAlert |
02t | EmailRoutingAddress |
02u | TabSet |
02v | TabSetMember |
02w | LoginIpRange |
02x | LoginHours |
02y | ReportAggregate |
02z | ReportColorRange |
033 | AllPackage - Package being built in the developer org |
034 | PackageMember |
035 | SelfServiceUser |
036 | JobQueue |
037 | ReportColumn |
038 | ReportFilterItem |
039 | ReportBreak |
03D | ContactOwnerSharingRule |
03G | AccountCriteriaSharingRule |
03H | ContactCriteriaSharingRule |
03I | CaseCriteriaSharingRule |
03J | ChatterMessage |
03K | ChatterMessageThread |
03M | ChatterConversation |
03N | ChatterConversationMember |
03a | DependentPicklist |
03c | LayoutRightPanel |
03d | ValidationFormula - Validation Rule |
03e | CustomSetupDefinition |
03f | CustomSetup |
03g | QueueSobject |
03i | ConsoleConfig |
03j | CaseContactRole |
03k | ConsoleConfigItem |
03n | ApexClassIdentifier |
03q | ApexClassIdentifierRelationship |
03s | ContactShare |
03u | UserPreference |
040 | ReportParam |
043 | OutboundField |
044 | ExternalizedReference |
045 | PartnerNetworkSetup |
04Y | ActionFieldUpdate - Field Update |
04Z | EntityLock |
04a | ProcessDefinition |
04b | ProcessNode |
04c | ProcessTransition |
04d | ProcessTransitionCondition |
04e | ProcessActionItem |
04f | ProcessWorkitemProperties |
04g | ProcessInstance |
04h | ProcessInstanceStep |
04i | ProcessInstanceWorkitem |
04j | ProcessAllowedSubmitter |
04k | ActionOutboundMessage - Outbound Message Id |
04l | OutboundMessage - Outbound Notification Id |
04m | AdditionalNumber |
04n | SoftphoneLayout |
04o | SoftphoneLayoutSection |
04p | SoftphoneLayoutItem |
04q | SoftphoneLayoutInfoField |
04r | SoftphoneLayoutCallType |
04s | AsyncRequest - AsyncResult, DeployResult |
04t | AllPackageVersion - Install Package |
04u | ActionOverride |
04v | CallCenter |
04x | PackageExtension |
04z | LayoutItemActionRef |
050 | PackageLicense |
051 | UserPackageLicense |
052 | SfdcOutboundMessage |
053 | WorkflowTimeTrigger |
054 | WorkflowTimeAction |
055 | WorkflowTimeQueue |
056 | ContentTagName |
057 | ContentDocumentSubscription |
058 | ContentWorkspace |
059 | ContentWorkspaceDoc |
05A | ContentWorkspaceMembership |
05B | CampaignCriteriaSharingRule |
05C | ContentVersionComment |
05G | IpWhitelist |
05I | CampaignSharingRuleFilterItem |
05J | ContentVersionRating |
05K | ContentVersionRenditionContent |
05L | DBCThumbnailFilter |
05N | ContentVersionTagName |
05P | ContentWorkspacePermission |
05Q | ContentTagSubscription |
05R | ContentWorkspaceSubscription |
05S | ContentUserSubscription |
05T | ContentContent |
05U | EntityFeedLayout |
05V | ContentNotification |
05W | ContentNotificationParam |
05X | DocumentAttachmentMap |
05Z | ContentWorkspaceRecentEvent |
05t | CustomEntityTranslation |
060 | Portal |
061 | PortalAccount |
062 | PortalStyleConfig |
063 | MobileConfig |
064 | QuerySet |
065 | QuerySetItem |
066 | ApexPage |
067 | PortalMember |
068 | ContentVersion |
069 | ContentDocument |
06A | ContentDocumentLink |
06B | ContentWorkspaceAllowedRecType |
06G | CustomConsoleComponent |
06N | ApplicationDependency |
06O | ServiceDeskAttributes |
06P | Application - Connected App |
070 | CustomReportType |
071 | CrtObject |
072 | CrtColumn - Related to reports in some way. |
073 | CrtLayoutSection |
076 | RateLimitingNotification |
078 | ApiUsage |
079 | MobileMarkedRecord |
07A | MassMail |
07D | FeedPostTemplate |
07E | Sandbox |
07F | FeedFavorite |
07G | SummaryRecalcQueue |
07J | ComponentObjectDependency |
07K | ComponentFeatureDependency |
07L | ApexLog |
07M | ApexTestResult |
07O | Canvas |
07P | EntitySizeJob |
07R | DataCategoryMapping |
07T | AuthConfig |
07U | AuthConfigProviders |
07V | ActionSend |
07Y | BatchOrgSizeJob |
07Z | EntityDataSize |
07e | FeedPostTemplateItem |
07n | ApexExecutionOverlayResult |
080 | PacCrudPermission |
081 | StaticResource |
082 | UninstallExport - Data from Uninstalled Packages? A zip containing CSVs. |
083 | Vote |
084 | VoteConfig |
085 | VoteStats |
086 | MobileDevice |
087 | Idea |
08E | AddressCountry |
08F | AddressState |
08a | CronJobDetail |
08d | CampaignOwnerSharingRule |
08e | CronTrigger |
08g | CronFiredTrigger |
08s | CampaignShare |
090 | MobileExcludedField |
091 | EmailServicesFunction |
092 | Weekly Data Export |
093 | EmailServicesAddress |
094 | MobileView |
095 | MobileViewSortColumn |
096 | MobileViewDisplayColumn |
097 | MobileViewFilter |
099 | ApexComponent |
09A | FeedPollChoice |
09B | FeedPollVote |
09D | QuickActionDefinition |
09F | DatacloudPurchaseUsage |
09H | ConnectedApplication2 |
09I | QuickActionListItem |
09J | QuickActionList |
09S | AsyncRequestFFX |
09T | AsyncRequestFFXResult |
09U | DomainCookieStore |
09V | DashboardStickyFilter |
09a | Community |
0A0 | ReportJob |
0A1 | ReportJobFieldMap |
0A2 | DevelopmentPackageVersion - Change Set |
0A3 | InstalledPackageVersion - Installed Package |
0A4 | ProcessTransitionApprover |
0A5 | AllManagedPackageMember |
0A7 | CustomShareRowCause |
0A8 | ReportJobRun |
0A9 | ReportJobRunError |
0AB | ProfilePortalDelegate |
0AD | PackageEvent |
0AH | CompactLayout |
0AI | FirehoseCheckpoint |
0AL | ExternalSocialAccount |
0AM | CompactLayoutItem |
0AN | CompactLayoutMapping |
0AT | EventLogFile |
0AU | AuthSecurityLevel |
0AW | CanvasFeedItem |
0AX | ConsolePersonalization |
0AZ | ActionApex |
0Af | DeployRequest |
0Ai | DeployMessage |
0Aj | AsyncApiTransformationSpec |
0Ak | AuthSession |
0Al | DeployTestResult |
0B0 | MobileEntitySetting |
0B1 | MessageIdentifier |
0B2 | PortalLanguageConfig |
0B3 | PortalLanguageTabConfig |
0B9 | MobileTab |
0BA | CustomDataType |
0BB | CustomDataTypeComponent |
0BC | CustomFieldDataColumn |
0BE | FileFieldData |
0BF | ComponentAppVersion |
0BG | CampaignInfluenceAdjustment |
0BH | AllManagedClassRelationship |
0BI | ContentVersionMap |
0BJ | ActionAssignTeam |
0BL | PackageIdMapping |
0BM | Connection - Salesforce to Salesforce |
0BR | LogSearchResult |
0BV | OpportunityCriteriaSharingRule |
0BW | MobilePushDevice |
0BX | HistoricalEntityConfig |
0BY | MqSlaRequest |
0BZ | EmailBrand |
0Ba | LoginBrandAsset |
0Bb | LoginBrand |
0Bc | MqSlaJob |
0Bd | HistoricalFieldConfig |
0Be | HistoricalTransactionPrefix |
0Bf | HistoricalStaging |
0Bi | HistoricalSelectorValue |
0Bk | HistoricalSelector |
0Bl | BlacklistedConsumer |
0C0 | Holiday |
0C2 | MobileSession |
0C8 | LongJob |
0CC | SiteChangelistComponent |
0CF | ChatterNowUserFavorites |
0CI | EntityImplements |
0CJ | FieldImplements |
0CL | SiteChangelist |
0CS | ChatterNowUserSettings |
0Ci | AppManifest |
0D1 | DataCategoryGroup |
0D2 | OrgWideEmailAddress |
0D3 | OrgEmailAddressSecurity |
0D4 | LeadCriteriaSharingRule |
0D5 | FeedItem or NewsFeed or UserProfileFeed Use caution as there are at least three object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
0D6 | FeedTrackedChange |
0D7 | FeedComment |
0D8 | AllManagedMemberOption |
0D9 | LeadSharingRuleFilterItem |
0DA | EntityCategoryGroup |
0DC | ProcessTransitionAction |
0DD | SynonymGroup |
0DE | Synonym |
0DF | VersionSet |
0DG | NamedFilter |
0DH | FieldAttributes |
0DM | Site |
0DN | SitePageOverride |
0DR | AndroidPushApplicationSetup |
0DS | AppMenuItem |
0DT | IdeaReputationLevel |
0DU | LimitUsageHistory |
0DV | PushUpgradeRequest |
0DX | PushUpgradeJob |
0DY | PushUpgradeJobError |
0Db | ForecastingType |
0Df | InstanceSizeJob |
0E0 | EmailSyncConfig |
0E1 | EmailSyncEntitySetting |
0E2 | EmailSyncFieldMapping |
0E3 | EmailSyncValueMapping |
0E4 | EmailConfigEntitySetting |
0E5 | EmailUserEntitySetting |
0E6 | EmailSyncAdvancedSetting |
0E8 | EntitySubscription |
0EA | PackageVersionPatchOrg |
0EB | Renderer |
0EG | ReportChart |
0EH | SummaryLayout |
0EI | SummaryLayoutItem |
0EJ | SummaryLayoutSliceInfo |
0EM | ContentReference - Appears next to refid query string parameter when pulling images. See rtaimage servlet parameters…what does the refid refer to? |
0EO | PicklistItemProperty |
0EP | Inbound Change Set? |
0EQ | CategoryJobTask |
0ER | RichTextAreaFieldData |
0EV | AllInstalledPackageVersion |
0Eb | ModuleDependency |
0Ee | HistoricalDataFilter |
0Ef | HistoricalDataFilterItem |
0Eg | GlobalDbKey |
0F0 | EmailTempAttachmentMap |
0F3 | ReportBlock |
0F5 | PhotoItem |
0F7 | FeedPost |
0F8 | SoftphoneScreenPopOption |
0F9 | CollaborationGroup |
0FA | CsnDomain |
0FB | CollaborationGroupMember |
0FG | MobilePushServiceDevice |
0FH | LinkReference |
0FM | FeedMapping |
0FO | OrgSizeJob |
0FP | ReportRunTracker |
0FQ | TrialMaster |
0FR | PackageOperationError |
0FT | TopicAssignment |
0Fa | ContextFieldAttributes |
0G1 | FeedFieldHistory |
0G8 | ReportBucketField |
0G9 | AccountSharingRuleFilterItem |
0GC | EmailDisclaimer |
0GD | ReportBucketFieldValue |
0GE | ReportBucketFieldSourceValue |
0GH | SchemaBuilderLayout |
0GI | SchemaBuilderLayoutItem |
0GJ | ApplePushApplicationSetup |
0H0 | SiteRedirectMapping |
0H1 | CollaborationInvitation |
0H4 | ConnectedApplication |
0H7 | PackageSupportAccess |
0HF | PublishEvent |
0HG | EntitySharingModel |
0HI | ReportBlockAggregate |
0HN | TwoFactorInfo |
0HO | MobilePushSetupRegistry |
0HR | MetricsTransmissionHistory |
0Hi | AppIpRange |
0Hj | AppManifestVersion |
0Hk | ConnectivityDevConfig |
0Hl | ConnectivityAttributes |
0I0 | FeedLike |
0I2 | SiteAsset |
0I3 | SiteComponent |
0I4 | Domain |
0I5 | CollaborationGroupMemberRequest |
0I6 | OpportunitySharingRuleFilterItem |
0I7 | CaseSharingRuleFilterItem |
0I8 | ContactSharingRuleFilterItem |
0I9 | ReportObjectFilterItem |
0IA | KnowledgeLanguageConfig |
0IB | DashboardFilter |
0IC | DashboardFilterItem |
0ID | DashboardFilterRepCol |
0IF | PushTopic |
0II | FeedCrossReference |
0IO | BrandingValue |
0IS | ApexComponentAttribute |
0IV | LogSearch |
0IX | FieldSet |
0IY | FieldSetItem |
0Ih | ServiceDeskComponent |
0Ii | PushProfileMapping |
0Ij | PushIntent |
0Ik | Module |
0In | PhoenixDataSync |
0Io | RawEmail |
0J0 | SetupEntityAccess |
0J2 | Personalization |
0J4 | SPSamlAttributes |
0J5 | PredictiveModel |
0J8 | ServiceDeskHotkey |
0JS | JigsawSavedSearch |
0Jf | DomainSite |
0K0 | ActionKnowledgeSubmit |
0K2 | ActionChatterPost |
0K3 | ActionChatterPostRecipient |
0LD | RecalcCampaignStats |
0LG | ReportInstance |
0LN | StorageSizeJob |
0M1 | SocialUserAuth |
0ME | SessionLevelPolicy |
0MF | SynonymDictionary |
0MJ | SystemStreamingChannel |
0O0 | XinstanceInfo |
0P0 | FlowVariableAssignment |
0P1 | Certificate |
0P2 | CertificateIp |
0PF | ParallelJobItemData |
0PL | PermissionSetLicense |
0PQ | ProcessTimeQueue |
0PS | PermissionSet - Permission set metadata |
0Pa | PermissionSetAssignment |
0Q0 | Quote |
0Qc | ActionQuickCreate |
0RA | ActivityRelation |
0RE | EventRelation |
0RT | TaskRelation |
0SO | AuthProvider |
0TI | TopicIndex |
0TO | Topic |
0TY | TopicOntology |
0Tt | TopicTerm |
0XC | ExternalDataSource |
0XU | ExternalDataUserAuth |
0Ya | LoginHistory |
0Ym | SetupAuditTrail |
0Ys | ParallelJobStatus |
0Yu | IdpEventLog |
0Yw | UserLogin |
0ca | ChatterActivity |
0cs | OauthConsumerScope |
0e1 | ProfileClientSettings |
0eb | EntityBlacklist |
0hc | HashtagCount |
0hd | HashtagDefinition |
0ht | Hashtag |
0in | Influence |
0ns | ProcessNodeSecurity |
0rp | RemoteProxy |
0sp | ServiceProvider |
0tR | TopicRecordSetting |
0tS | TopicSuggestionSetting |
0te | TopicUserEvent |
0tg | TopicGroupActivity |
0tr | TrendingTopic |
0ts | ProcessTransitionSecurity |
0tu | TopicUserActivity |
100 | UserLicense |
101 | ExternalString - Custom Label |
102 | FeatureLicense |
10y | TaskRecurrenceException |
10z | EventRecurrenceException |
110 | ObjectPermissions |
111 | EventComments |
112 | ProposedEventTime |
113 | ProposedEventResponse |
11a | DBCThumbnail |
1ci | Integration |
1cl | ChangeList |
1dc | MetadataContainer - from the Tooling AP |
1de | IDEWorkspace |
1do | ApexExecutionOverlayAction |
1dp | IDEPerspective |
1dr | ContainerAsyncRequest - from the Tooling API |
204 | SfdcPartner |
2LA | PermissionSetLicenseAssign |
300 | InteractionDefinition |
301 | InteractionDefinitionVersion |
308 | InteractionCondition |
309 | InteractionOperand |
30A | InteractionAllocator |
30C | InteractionChoice |
30D | InteractionDecision |
30F | InteractionForm |
30L | InteractionConnector |
30Q | InteractionQuestion |
30R | InteractionReference |
30S | InteractionStatement |
30V | InteractionVariable |
30a | InteractionAllocation |
30c | InteractionConstant |
30d | InteractionDataColumn |
30f | InteractionFormula |
30g | InteractionLayoutGroup |
30m | InteractionApexCall |
30r | InteractionResource |
30t | InteractionTodo |
30v | InteractionValueList |
310 | InteractionLayoutDetail |
31A | Subinteraction |
31C | SubinteractionVariableAssignment |
31S | InteractionSwitch |
31V | InteractionFieldValue |
31c | InteractionChoiceLookup |
31d | InteractionDataSource |
31i | InteractionDataInput |
31o | InteractionDataOutput |
31v | InteractionValueListEntry |
3M1 | OrgObjectsMetrics |
3M3 | ChatterMetrics |
3M4 | ChatterOrgWideMetrics |
3M5 | NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics |
3M6 | NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics |
3MA | PermissionSetMetricsByOrg |
3MC | OpportunityMetrics |
3MD | ContentMetrics |
3MF | SharingRowCauseMetrics |
3MG | SharingMetrics |
3MH | IdeaMetrics |
3MI | UserDimMetrics |
3MJ | PermissionSetLicenseMetrics |
400 | ApexClassMember |
401 | ApexTriggerMember |
402 | ApexPageMember |
403 | ApexComponentMember |
4A0 | MetadataCheckout |
4F0 | ApexClassVersion |
4F1 | ApexTriggerVersion |
4F2 | ApexPageVersion |
4F3 | ApexComponentVersion |
500 | Case |
501 | Solution |
5Sp | SegmentSpace |
608 | ForecastShare |
6AA | AssociationQueueItem |
6AB | EventAssociationItem |
6AC | MailAssociationItem |
6AD | TaskAssociationItem |
701 | Campaign |
707 | AsyncApexJob |
708 | BatchApexRelationship |
709 | ApexTestQueueItem |
710 | LoginIp |
711 | ApiLoginKey |
712 | LoginIpEmail |
713 | ClientBrowser |
714 | ApexCodeCoverage |
715 | ApexCodeCoverageAggregate |
716 | ApexOrgWideCoverage |
729 | Photo |
737 | FieldHistory |
750 | AsyncApiJob - Bulk Query Job |
751 | AsyncApiBatch - Bulk Query Batch |
752 | AsyncApiQueryResult - Bulk Query Result |
753 | TempStore |
754 | AsyncApiJobOptions |
766 | UiStyleDefinition |
777 | UiStyle |
7tf | TraceFlag |
800 | Contract |
806 | Approval |
80D | OrganizationValue |
888 | OauthConsumer - Remote Access |
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
List of the Salesforce Object Key Prefixes
Labels:Interview Questions
Interview Questions,
System.Exception: SObject row does not allow errors
Error: System.Exception: SObject row does not allow errors
This Exception is thrown when your adding an error message to particular record in a list which is looping through For Loop and that list gets records from the Trigger.oldMap context variable in Trigger.You can you use the addError method for only those records that are available in Trigger Context.
Trigger Example:
trigger BeforeDeleteConatct on Contact (Before Delete)
Set<Id> conSet=Trigger.OldMap.keyset();
List<Contact> listCon=[select id,phone from contact where id in:conset];
for(Contact c:listCon)
c.addError('you cant delete this contact because it conatins Phone Number');
When you click on delete button of a particular contact it throws below error
Validation Errors While Saving Record(s) |
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Apex trigger BeforeDeleteConatct caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: BeforeDeleteConatct: execution of BeforeDelete caused by: System.FinalException: SObject row does not allow errors: Trigger.BeforeDeleteConatct: line 11, column 1". |
Work Around to Resolve This Error:
trigger BeforeDeleteConatct on Contact (Before Delete)
Set<Id> conSet=Trigger.OldMap.keyset();
List<Contact> listCon=[select id,phone from contact where id in:conset];
for(Contact c:listCon)
Add below line of code to resolve Error
Contact actualRecord = Trigger.oldMap.get(c.Id);
actualRecord.addError('you cant delete this contact bcz it conatins Phone Number');
Validation Errors While Saving Record(s) |
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "you can't delete this contact because it conatins Phone Number". |
Labels:Interview Questions
Interview Questions,
Test Class for Before Trigger in Salesforce
Test Class:
In the previous post I have posted one Before Trigger .For that Trigger the test class is given Below.
Test Class Code:
In the previous post I have posted one Before Trigger .For that Trigger the test class is given Below.
Test Class Code:
private class Account_Trigger_Test { private static testMethod void testDelete() { Account acc=new Account(Name='Test Account;); insert acc; // should succeed delete acc; } private static testMethod void testDeleteFail() { Account acc=new Account(Name='Test Account', Client_ID__c='Should fail'); insert acc; try { delete acc; // should throw an exception - the following assertion will cause an error if the code carries on System.assert(false); } catch (DMLException e) { // expected - could assert the message here } } }
Labels:Interview Questions
Interview Questions,
Before Delete Trigger in Salesforce
Write a Trigger on Account Object, All it does is to prevents the Delete of an Account if a particular field(i.e.,Client_ID__c) is not Null.
Trigger Code:
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before delete)
for (Account acc : trigger.old)
if (String.isNotBlank(acc.Client_ID__c))
acc.addError('You cannot delete This Account Please contact your Administrator for assistance.');
Trigger.old | Returns a list of the old versions of the sObject records.Note that this sObject list is only available in update and delete triggers. |
Trigger.isDelete | Returns true if this trigger was fired due to a delete operation, from the Salesforce user interface, Apex, or the API. |
For more information/samples on trigger please check out here
Please comment or write us if you have any queries/requirements.
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Hope this helps you..Enjoy..!
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Interview Questions,
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