Key Prefix | Object Type |
000 | Empty Key |
001 | Account |
002 | Note |
003 | Contact |
005 | User |
006 | Opportunity |
007 | Activity |
008 | OpportunityHistory |
00B | ListView / View |
00D | Organization |
00E | UserRole |
00G | Group |
00I | Partner Also OpportunityPartner, which "is automatically created when a Partner object is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity" |
00J | OpportunityCompetitor |
00K | OpportunityContactRole |
00N | CustomFieldDefinition - Setup > Create > Objects > [Your Object] > [Your Field] |
CF00N | Custom Field Id using in the query string. Note the keyprefix isn't actually CF0. In this case "CF" has been appended to the "00N" of the Custom Field Definition. |
00O | Report |
00P | Attachment |
00Q | Lead |
00S | ImportQueue |
00T | Task |
00U | Event |
00X | EmailTemplate |
00Y | EmailTemp |
00a | CaseComment or IdeaComment Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
00a | IdeaComment or CaseComment Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
00b | WebLink - Custom Button or Link |
00c | Training |
00e | Profile |
00h | Layout - Page Layout |
00i | Pricebook |
00j | Product |
00k | OpportunityLineItem |
00l | Folder |
00o | OpportunityLineItemSchedule Represents information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem. Products, Price Books, and Schedules Overview |
00p | UserTeamMember |
00q | OpportunityTeamMember - "This object is available only in organizations that have enabled team selling." |
00r | AccountShare |
00s | AccountOwnerSharingRule |
00t | OpportunityShare |
00u | OpportunityOwnerSharingRule |
00v | CampaignMember |
010 | CaseSolution |
011 | GroupMember |
012 | RecordType |
013 | RecordTypePicklist |
014 | ProfileRecordType |
015 | Document |
016 | BrandTemplate (Letterhead) |
018 | EmailStatus |
019 | BusinessProcess |
01A | BusinessProcessPicklist |
01B | LayoutSection |
01C | LayoutItem |
01D | UserAccountTeamMember |
01G | ProfileLayout |
01H | MailmergeTemplate |
01I | Custom Object |
01J | PicklistMaster |
01N | Scontrol |
01P | ProfileTabConfiguration |
01Q | WorkflowRule - AssignmentRule |
01R | RuleFilter |
01S | RuleFilterItem |
01T | RuleFilterAction |
01U | ActionAssignEscalate |
01V | ActionTask |
01W | ActionEmail |
01X | ActionEmailRecipient |
01Y | CampaignMemberStatus |
01Z | Dashboard |
01a | DashboardComponent |
01b | ListViewCriterion |
01c | ListViewDisplayColumn |
01e | PicklistSet |
01h | Translation |
01j | LocalizedValue |
01k | FieldPermissions |
01l | ActionResponse |
01m | BusinessHours |
01n | CaseShare |
01o | LeadShare |
01p | ApexClass |
01q | ApexTrigger |
01r | CustomTabDefinition - Visualforce Tab |
01s | Pricebook2 |
01t | Product2 |
01u | PricebookEntry |
01v | PricebookShare |
01w | OpportunityUpdateReminder |
01y | CaseOwnerSharingRule |
01z | CaseEscalation |
020 | EventAttendee |
022 | FiscalYearSettings |
023 | Calendar |
024 | CalendarShare |
025 | ListLayoutItem |
026 | Period |
02A | LeadOwnerSharingRule |
02B | LabelDefinition |
02C | LabelData |
02D | CaseHistory2 |
02F | CustomFieldMap |
02T | CustomPage |
02U | CustomPageItem |
02V | PageComponent |
02X | CustomPageProfile |
02Y | UserComponentData |
02Z | AccountContactRole |
02a | ContractContactRole |
02b | ComponentResourceLink |
02c | Sharing Rule |
02f | DelegateGroup |
02g | DelegateGroupMember |
02h | DelegateGroupGrant |
02i | Asset |
02k | ListLayout |
02m | CustomIndex |
02n | CategoryNode |
02o | CategoryData |
02p | DivTransferEvent |
02q | LayoutItemColumn |
02r | OpportunityAlert |
02t | EmailRoutingAddress |
02u | TabSet |
02v | TabSetMember |
02w | LoginIpRange |
02x | LoginHours |
02y | ReportAggregate |
02z | ReportColorRange |
033 | AllPackage - Package being built in the developer org |
034 | PackageMember |
035 | SelfServiceUser |
036 | JobQueue |
037 | ReportColumn |
038 | ReportFilterItem |
039 | ReportBreak |
03D | ContactOwnerSharingRule |
03G | AccountCriteriaSharingRule |
03H | ContactCriteriaSharingRule |
03I | CaseCriteriaSharingRule |
03J | ChatterMessage |
03K | ChatterMessageThread |
03M | ChatterConversation |
03N | ChatterConversationMember |
03a | DependentPicklist |
03c | LayoutRightPanel |
03d | ValidationFormula - Validation Rule |
03e | CustomSetupDefinition |
03f | CustomSetup |
03g | QueueSobject |
03i | ConsoleConfig |
03j | CaseContactRole |
03k | ConsoleConfigItem |
03n | ApexClassIdentifier |
03q | ApexClassIdentifierRelationship |
03s | ContactShare |
03u | UserPreference |
040 | ReportParam |
043 | OutboundField |
044 | ExternalizedReference |
045 | PartnerNetworkSetup |
04Y | ActionFieldUpdate - Field Update |
04Z | EntityLock |
04a | ProcessDefinition |
04b | ProcessNode |
04c | ProcessTransition |
04d | ProcessTransitionCondition |
04e | ProcessActionItem |
04f | ProcessWorkitemProperties |
04g | ProcessInstance |
04h | ProcessInstanceStep |
04i | ProcessInstanceWorkitem |
04j | ProcessAllowedSubmitter |
04k | ActionOutboundMessage - Outbound Message Id |
04l | OutboundMessage - Outbound Notification Id |
04m | AdditionalNumber |
04n | SoftphoneLayout |
04o | SoftphoneLayoutSection |
04p | SoftphoneLayoutItem |
04q | SoftphoneLayoutInfoField |
04r | SoftphoneLayoutCallType |
04s | AsyncRequest - AsyncResult, DeployResult |
04t | AllPackageVersion - Install Package |
04u | ActionOverride |
04v | CallCenter |
04x | PackageExtension |
04z | LayoutItemActionRef |
050 | PackageLicense |
051 | UserPackageLicense |
052 | SfdcOutboundMessage |
053 | WorkflowTimeTrigger |
054 | WorkflowTimeAction |
055 | WorkflowTimeQueue |
056 | ContentTagName |
057 | ContentDocumentSubscription |
058 | ContentWorkspace |
059 | ContentWorkspaceDoc |
05A | ContentWorkspaceMembership |
05B | CampaignCriteriaSharingRule |
05C | ContentVersionComment |
05G | IpWhitelist |
05I | CampaignSharingRuleFilterItem |
05J | ContentVersionRating |
05K | ContentVersionRenditionContent |
05L | DBCThumbnailFilter |
05N | ContentVersionTagName |
05P | ContentWorkspacePermission |
05Q | ContentTagSubscription |
05R | ContentWorkspaceSubscription |
05S | ContentUserSubscription |
05T | ContentContent |
05U | EntityFeedLayout |
05V | ContentNotification |
05W | ContentNotificationParam |
05X | DocumentAttachmentMap |
05Z | ContentWorkspaceRecentEvent |
05t | CustomEntityTranslation |
060 | Portal |
061 | PortalAccount |
062 | PortalStyleConfig |
063 | MobileConfig |
064 | QuerySet |
065 | QuerySetItem |
066 | ApexPage |
067 | PortalMember |
068 | ContentVersion |
069 | ContentDocument |
06A | ContentDocumentLink |
06B | ContentWorkspaceAllowedRecType |
06G | CustomConsoleComponent |
06N | ApplicationDependency |
06O | ServiceDeskAttributes |
06P | Application - Connected App |
070 | CustomReportType |
071 | CrtObject |
072 | CrtColumn - Related to reports in some way. |
073 | CrtLayoutSection |
076 | RateLimitingNotification |
078 | ApiUsage |
079 | MobileMarkedRecord |
07A | MassMail |
07D | FeedPostTemplate |
07E | Sandbox |
07F | FeedFavorite |
07G | SummaryRecalcQueue |
07J | ComponentObjectDependency |
07K | ComponentFeatureDependency |
07L | ApexLog |
07M | ApexTestResult |
07O | Canvas |
07P | EntitySizeJob |
07R | DataCategoryMapping |
07T | AuthConfig |
07U | AuthConfigProviders |
07V | ActionSend |
07Y | BatchOrgSizeJob |
07Z | EntityDataSize |
07e | FeedPostTemplateItem |
07n | ApexExecutionOverlayResult |
080 | PacCrudPermission |
081 | StaticResource |
082 | UninstallExport - Data from Uninstalled Packages? A zip containing CSVs. |
083 | Vote |
084 | VoteConfig |
085 | VoteStats |
086 | MobileDevice |
087 | Idea |
08E | AddressCountry |
08F | AddressState |
08a | CronJobDetail |
08d | CampaignOwnerSharingRule |
08e | CronTrigger |
08g | CronFiredTrigger |
08s | CampaignShare |
090 | MobileExcludedField |
091 | EmailServicesFunction |
092 | Weekly Data Export |
093 | EmailServicesAddress |
094 | MobileView |
095 | MobileViewSortColumn |
096 | MobileViewDisplayColumn |
097 | MobileViewFilter |
099 | ApexComponent |
09A | FeedPollChoice |
09B | FeedPollVote |
09D | QuickActionDefinition |
09F | DatacloudPurchaseUsage |
09H | ConnectedApplication2 |
09I | QuickActionListItem |
09J | QuickActionList |
09S | AsyncRequestFFX |
09T | AsyncRequestFFXResult |
09U | DomainCookieStore |
09V | DashboardStickyFilter |
09a | Community |
0A0 | ReportJob |
0A1 | ReportJobFieldMap |
0A2 | DevelopmentPackageVersion - Change Set |
0A3 | InstalledPackageVersion - Installed Package |
0A4 | ProcessTransitionApprover |
0A5 | AllManagedPackageMember |
0A7 | CustomShareRowCause |
0A8 | ReportJobRun |
0A9 | ReportJobRunError |
0AB | ProfilePortalDelegate |
0AD | PackageEvent |
0AH | CompactLayout |
0AI | FirehoseCheckpoint |
0AL | ExternalSocialAccount |
0AM | CompactLayoutItem |
0AN | CompactLayoutMapping |
0AT | EventLogFile |
0AU | AuthSecurityLevel |
0AW | CanvasFeedItem |
0AX | ConsolePersonalization |
0AZ | ActionApex |
0Af | DeployRequest |
0Ai | DeployMessage |
0Aj | AsyncApiTransformationSpec |
0Ak | AuthSession |
0Al | DeployTestResult |
0B0 | MobileEntitySetting |
0B1 | MessageIdentifier |
0B2 | PortalLanguageConfig |
0B3 | PortalLanguageTabConfig |
0B9 | MobileTab |
0BA | CustomDataType |
0BB | CustomDataTypeComponent |
0BC | CustomFieldDataColumn |
0BE | FileFieldData |
0BF | ComponentAppVersion |
0BG | CampaignInfluenceAdjustment |
0BH | AllManagedClassRelationship |
0BI | ContentVersionMap |
0BJ | ActionAssignTeam |
0BL | PackageIdMapping |
0BM | Connection - Salesforce to Salesforce |
0BR | LogSearchResult |
0BV | OpportunityCriteriaSharingRule |
0BW | MobilePushDevice |
0BX | HistoricalEntityConfig |
0BY | MqSlaRequest |
0BZ | EmailBrand |
0Ba | LoginBrandAsset |
0Bb | LoginBrand |
0Bc | MqSlaJob |
0Bd | HistoricalFieldConfig |
0Be | HistoricalTransactionPrefix |
0Bf | HistoricalStaging |
0Bi | HistoricalSelectorValue |
0Bk | HistoricalSelector |
0Bl | BlacklistedConsumer |
0C0 | Holiday |
0C2 | MobileSession |
0C8 | LongJob |
0CC | SiteChangelistComponent |
0CF | ChatterNowUserFavorites |
0CI | EntityImplements |
0CJ | FieldImplements |
0CL | SiteChangelist |
0CS | ChatterNowUserSettings |
0Ci | AppManifest |
0D1 | DataCategoryGroup |
0D2 | OrgWideEmailAddress |
0D3 | OrgEmailAddressSecurity |
0D4 | LeadCriteriaSharingRule |
0D5 | FeedItem or NewsFeed or UserProfileFeed Use caution as there are at least three object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
0D6 | FeedTrackedChange |
0D7 | FeedComment |
0D8 | AllManagedMemberOption |
0D9 | LeadSharingRuleFilterItem |
0DA | EntityCategoryGroup |
0DC | ProcessTransitionAction |
0DD | SynonymGroup |
0DE | Synonym |
0DF | VersionSet |
0DG | NamedFilter |
0DH | FieldAttributes |
0DM | Site |
0DN | SitePageOverride |
0DR | AndroidPushApplicationSetup |
0DS | AppMenuItem |
0DT | IdeaReputationLevel |
0DU | LimitUsageHistory |
0DV | PushUpgradeRequest |
0DX | PushUpgradeJob |
0DY | PushUpgradeJobError |
0Db | ForecastingType |
0Df | InstanceSizeJob |
0E0 | EmailSyncConfig |
0E1 | EmailSyncEntitySetting |
0E2 | EmailSyncFieldMapping |
0E3 | EmailSyncValueMapping |
0E4 | EmailConfigEntitySetting |
0E5 | EmailUserEntitySetting |
0E6 | EmailSyncAdvancedSetting |
0E8 | EntitySubscription |
0EA | PackageVersionPatchOrg |
0EB | Renderer |
0EG | ReportChart |
0EH | SummaryLayout |
0EI | SummaryLayoutItem |
0EJ | SummaryLayoutSliceInfo |
0EM | ContentReference - Appears next to refid query string parameter when pulling images. See rtaimage servlet parameters…what does the refid refer to? |
0EO | PicklistItemProperty |
0EP | Inbound Change Set? |
0EQ | CategoryJobTask |
0ER | RichTextAreaFieldData |
0EV | AllInstalledPackageVersion |
0Eb | ModuleDependency |
0Ee | HistoricalDataFilter |
0Ef | HistoricalDataFilterItem |
0Eg | GlobalDbKey |
0F0 | EmailTempAttachmentMap |
0F3 | ReportBlock |
0F5 | PhotoItem |
0F7 | FeedPost |
0F8 | SoftphoneScreenPopOption |
0F9 | CollaborationGroup |
0FA | CsnDomain |
0FB | CollaborationGroupMember |
0FG | MobilePushServiceDevice |
0FH | LinkReference |
0FM | FeedMapping |
0FO | OrgSizeJob |
0FP | ReportRunTracker |
0FQ | TrialMaster |
0FR | PackageOperationError |
0FT | TopicAssignment |
0Fa | ContextFieldAttributes |
0G1 | FeedFieldHistory |
0G8 | ReportBucketField |
0G9 | AccountSharingRuleFilterItem |
0GC | EmailDisclaimer |
0GD | ReportBucketFieldValue |
0GE | ReportBucketFieldSourceValue |
0GH | SchemaBuilderLayout |
0GI | SchemaBuilderLayoutItem |
0GJ | ApplePushApplicationSetup |
0H0 | SiteRedirectMapping |
0H1 | CollaborationInvitation |
0H4 | ConnectedApplication |
0H7 | PackageSupportAccess |
0HF | PublishEvent |
0HG | EntitySharingModel |
0HI | ReportBlockAggregate |
0HN | TwoFactorInfo |
0HO | MobilePushSetupRegistry |
0HR | MetricsTransmissionHistory |
0Hi | AppIpRange |
0Hj | AppManifestVersion |
0Hk | ConnectivityDevConfig |
0Hl | ConnectivityAttributes |
0I0 | FeedLike |
0I2 | SiteAsset |
0I3 | SiteComponent |
0I4 | Domain |
0I5 | CollaborationGroupMemberRequest |
0I6 | OpportunitySharingRuleFilterItem |
0I7 | CaseSharingRuleFilterItem |
0I8 | ContactSharingRuleFilterItem |
0I9 | ReportObjectFilterItem |
0IA | KnowledgeLanguageConfig |
0IB | DashboardFilter |
0IC | DashboardFilterItem |
0ID | DashboardFilterRepCol |
0IF | PushTopic |
0II | FeedCrossReference |
0IO | BrandingValue |
0IS | ApexComponentAttribute |
0IV | LogSearch |
0IX | FieldSet |
0IY | FieldSetItem |
0Ih | ServiceDeskComponent |
0Ii | PushProfileMapping |
0Ij | PushIntent |
0Ik | Module |
0In | PhoenixDataSync |
0Io | RawEmail |
0J0 | SetupEntityAccess |
0J2 | Personalization |
0J4 | SPSamlAttributes |
0J5 | PredictiveModel |
0J8 | ServiceDeskHotkey |
0JS | JigsawSavedSearch |
0Jf | DomainSite |
0K0 | ActionKnowledgeSubmit |
0K2 | ActionChatterPost |
0K3 | ActionChatterPostRecipient |
0LD | RecalcCampaignStats |
0LG | ReportInstance |
0LN | StorageSizeJob |
0M1 | SocialUserAuth |
0ME | SessionLevelPolicy |
0MF | SynonymDictionary |
0MJ | SystemStreamingChannel |
0O0 | XinstanceInfo |
0P0 | FlowVariableAssignment |
0P1 | Certificate |
0P2 | CertificateIp |
0PF | ParallelJobItemData |
0PL | PermissionSetLicense |
0PQ | ProcessTimeQueue |
0PS | PermissionSet - Permission set metadata |
0Pa | PermissionSetAssignment |
0Q0 | Quote |
0Qc | ActionQuickCreate |
0RA | ActivityRelation |
0RE | EventRelation |
0RT | TaskRelation |
0SO | AuthProvider |
0TI | TopicIndex |
0TO | Topic |
0TY | TopicOntology |
0Tt | TopicTerm |
0XC | ExternalDataSource |
0XU | ExternalDataUserAuth |
0Ya | LoginHistory |
0Ym | SetupAuditTrail |
0Ys | ParallelJobStatus |
0Yu | IdpEventLog |
0Yw | UserLogin |
0ca | ChatterActivity |
0cs | OauthConsumerScope |
0e1 | ProfileClientSettings |
0eb | EntityBlacklist |
0hc | HashtagCount |
0hd | HashtagDefinition |
0ht | Hashtag |
0in | Influence |
0ns | ProcessNodeSecurity |
0rp | RemoteProxy |
0sp | ServiceProvider |
0tR | TopicRecordSetting |
0tS | TopicSuggestionSetting |
0te | TopicUserEvent |
0tg | TopicGroupActivity |
0tr | TrendingTopic |
0ts | ProcessTransitionSecurity |
0tu | TopicUserActivity |
100 | UserLicense |
101 | ExternalString - Custom Label |
102 | FeatureLicense |
10y | TaskRecurrenceException |
10z | EventRecurrenceException |
110 | ObjectPermissions |
111 | EventComments |
112 | ProposedEventTime |
113 | ProposedEventResponse |
11a | DBCThumbnail |
1ci | Integration |
1cl | ChangeList |
1dc | MetadataContainer - from the Tooling AP |
1de | IDEWorkspace |
1do | ApexExecutionOverlayAction |
1dp | IDEPerspective |
1dr | ContainerAsyncRequest - from the Tooling API |
204 | SfdcPartner |
2LA | PermissionSetLicenseAssign |
300 | InteractionDefinition |
301 | InteractionDefinitionVersion |
308 | InteractionCondition |
309 | InteractionOperand |
30A | InteractionAllocator |
30C | InteractionChoice |
30D | InteractionDecision |
30F | InteractionForm |
30L | InteractionConnector |
30Q | InteractionQuestion |
30R | InteractionReference |
30S | InteractionStatement |
30V | InteractionVariable |
30a | InteractionAllocation |
30c | InteractionConstant |
30d | InteractionDataColumn |
30f | InteractionFormula |
30g | InteractionLayoutGroup |
30m | InteractionApexCall |
30r | InteractionResource |
30t | InteractionTodo |
30v | InteractionValueList |
310 | InteractionLayoutDetail |
31A | Subinteraction |
31C | SubinteractionVariableAssignment |
31S | InteractionSwitch |
31V | InteractionFieldValue |
31c | InteractionChoiceLookup |
31d | InteractionDataSource |
31i | InteractionDataInput |
31o | InteractionDataOutput |
31v | InteractionValueListEntry |
3M1 | OrgObjectsMetrics |
3M3 | ChatterMetrics |
3M4 | ChatterOrgWideMetrics |
3M5 | NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics |
3M6 | NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics |
3MA | PermissionSetMetricsByOrg |
3MC | OpportunityMetrics |
3MD | ContentMetrics |
3MF | SharingRowCauseMetrics |
3MG | SharingMetrics |
3MH | IdeaMetrics |
3MI | UserDimMetrics |
3MJ | PermissionSetLicenseMetrics |
400 | ApexClassMember |
401 | ApexTriggerMember |
402 | ApexPageMember |
403 | ApexComponentMember |
4A0 | MetadataCheckout |
4F0 | ApexClassVersion |
4F1 | ApexTriggerVersion |
4F2 | ApexPageVersion |
4F3 | ApexComponentVersion |
500 | Case |
501 | Solution |
5Sp | SegmentSpace |
608 | ForecastShare |
6AA | AssociationQueueItem |
6AB | EventAssociationItem |
6AC | MailAssociationItem |
6AD | TaskAssociationItem |
701 | Campaign |
707 | AsyncApexJob |
708 | BatchApexRelationship |
709 | ApexTestQueueItem |
710 | LoginIp |
711 | ApiLoginKey |
712 | LoginIpEmail |
713 | ClientBrowser |
714 | ApexCodeCoverage |
715 | ApexCodeCoverageAggregate |
716 | ApexOrgWideCoverage |
729 | Photo |
737 | FieldHistory |
750 | AsyncApiJob - Bulk Query Job |
751 | AsyncApiBatch - Bulk Query Batch |
752 | AsyncApiQueryResult - Bulk Query Result |
753 | TempStore |
754 | AsyncApiJobOptions |
766 | UiStyleDefinition |
777 | UiStyle |
7tf | TraceFlag |
800 | Contract |
806 | Approval |
80D | OrganizationValue |
888 | OauthConsumer - Remote Access |
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
List of the Salesforce Object Key Prefixes
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