Thursday, February 27, 2020

How To Update SFDX CLI to Latest Version in LWC

If you want to know the latest version of your sfdx cli and you want to update to latest version please follow the below steps.

On Window Machines:

To Check The Current Version:

 Goto Start and type cmd to open the command prompt .Then type command called sfdx press enter.

  • If it's already in latest version below screen will be displayed
  • If it's not up to date then you will receive an warning as shown below.Suggesting to update to the latest version. In my case current version is 7.13.0 and latest version is 7.37.1.

How To Update To Latest Version:
  • Open command promt
  • Type command sfdx update and enter
  • If you receive any warning then use command npm update --global sfdx-cli

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Hope this helps you..Enjoy..!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How To Open (Url Format) Visual Force Page in Lightning Experience

If you want to open/preview the visual force page in salesforce lightning experience,do you know  how to construct the final url?if not ,this post will help you with the necessary details.

Url format in Classic:

   BaseUrl + '/apex/' + Your PageName +'?AnyQueryParams=xxx'

Url format in Lightning :

  BaseUrl + '/one/' + Your PageName +'?AnyQueryParams=xxx'

Let take an example your page name is call and your passing the mobile as query param.The complete your will be like below.


Please comment or write us if you have any queries/requirements.

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Hope this helps you..Enjoy..!

Monday, February 10, 2020

How To Search/Open Record Detail Page in Live Agent Using REST API

In my previous posts we have seen how to send the pre-chat details,how to store pre-chat details in transcript object.

In this post I will explain how to perform the search in specified object with given filed names and details.If record found with given criteria how to open this record in chat details automatically .This in turn will helps the agents to save the time to look for the record by doing the manual search to answers the customer.

The key area that we need to look at is "entityMaps" array in prechatdetails and "prechatEntities" array .
  • entityMaps - Store object api name search field name and it's values
  • prechatEntities - which will stores the search object,search field,perform the search or not,create a new if not exist and whether to do exact match or not. 
   "visitorName":"John A",
         "label":"search field api name",
         "value":"value for the search field",
         "transcriptFields": [],
               "entityName":"object api name",
               "fieldName":"search field api name"
         "entityName":"object api name",
               "fieldName":"field api name",
               "label":"field api name",

Sample Request:

  • Object To be Searched - Booking_Details__c
  • Filed Name to be Searched - Pnr__c
  • Field value - PNR_3563788883

   "visitorName":"John A",
         "label":"Pnr__c", // search field api name
         "value":"PNR_3563788883",//Value for pnr to be search
         "transcriptFields": [],
               "entityName":"Booking_Details__c", //object api name
               "fieldName":"Pnr__c" //search field api name
         "entityName":"Booking_Details__c", //object api name
               "fieldName":"Pnr__c", //search field api name
               "label":"Pnr__c", //search field api name
               "doFind":true, //tells to do search or not
               "isExactMatch":true, // do exact match value or not
               "doCreate":false // want to create if not found the record

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Hope this helps you..Enjoy..!