Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Issue with action support function on select of select list values

Today we had an issue with selection of pick-list. I am just trying to invoke a controller method when a user selects a pick list value from drop down and we are using an <apex:actionSupport> to make a call to the controller and the event is onchnage on onselect but unfortunately we are not able to make a call to controller method and the actionsupport with onselect or onchange in not working along with rerender also.

After a multiple hours of surfing over the internet we got some suggestion that just replace the onselect or onchnage with onclick event then it is started working and then after again reverted back to onselect or onchange now I'm able to make a call to controller method .I am not sure why is it working like that.

If you people are also facing the same issue just replace the your event onselect or onchange with onclick and try to invoke a controller method and if it's able to make a call to controller then again revert the onclick with onselect or onchange.

Thanks for visiting....Enjoy!

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