This issue usually comes when your preparing any kind of PageReference in controller methods.
Snippet to produce Issue
Root Cause for the Issue
This is because of the missing '/' and '&' symbols in the final url which is build by using PageReference .
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Snippet to produce Issue
public PageReference cancel()
system.debug('entered inside cancel...'+td);
PageReference p = new PageReference ('a4H/o').setRedirect(true);
return p;
PageReference p = new PageReference ('/apex/DetailPage?id=''mode=view');
return p;
Root Cause for the Issue
This is because of the missing '/' and '&' symbols in the final url which is build by using PageReference .
- In the above snippet '/' is missing before a4H/o
- '&' is missing before mode=view in pageReference
WorkAround Solution
Please add those 2 special characters in the code so it will be work as expected
public PageReference cancel()
system.debug('entered inside cancel...'+td);
PageReference p = new PageReference ('/a4H/o').setRedirect(true);
return p;
PageReference p = new PageReference ('/apex/DetailPage?id=''&mode=view');
return p;
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