Thursday, March 9, 2023

How To Add List/Set of Records to List in Go Language

In Go language if we want to add single record/list of records we can use the append() method. But here is the trick adding the single item is pretty much forward and while adding the list/set of records we might face some issue.

Now we will discuss how to handle both the scenarios

Adding a single item/record to list/array:

package main

func main() {
	var finalItemList []string
	var singleItem string
	finalItemList = append(finalItemList, singleItem)


Adding multiple items/list to another list/array:

To add list of items to another list with help of append() we will receive an error as can not use variable of type of list/array as a data type value in argument to append.

To solve this simply we can just use Spread operator ... (3 dots) notation as shown below.

package main

func main() {
	var finalItemList []string
	var secondItemList []string
	finalItemList = append(finalItemList, secondItemList...)


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Hope this helps you..Enjoy..!

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